While the Places of Power monicker is brand new, this name hides the brand new collaboration between two superb artists who are no strangers to the concept of hard work and quality music. Bruce Turgon and Philip Bardowell can indeed boast in their pedigree collaborations with such bands and artists as Foreigner, Shadow King, Lou Gramm, Unruly Child, Magdalen and Peter Criss of KISS.
Both have also released highly regarded solo albums for Frontiers Records during 2005 which gathered excellent reviews and raised great interest from press and fans alike. The two of them met during 2006 and immediately shared the same vision and interest to bring out a monster Arena Hard Rock album, which could bring back the vintage Foreigner and Shadow King sound. A creative flood that sparkled in a number of killer tracks that were demoed and sent to the attention of Frontiers Records President Serafino Perugino, who immediately loved what he heard.
"Now Is The Hour" was then started and took some good time to be completed, due to the craft, enthusiasm and care that both Philip and Bruce gave to the album writing and recording. With the help of Scott McKinstry who contributed lead guitars to the album, Philip took care of all lead vocals while Bruce played all the background music. The tapes were then sent to famed studio guru Dennis Ward (of Pink Cream 69 and producer of Place Vendome, Sunstorm, Bob Catley, Angra, Krokus etc.) in Germany who mixed the album in the summer 2008.
The result is a jewel, one of those rare releases that gets your attention from the very first to the last second- splendid performances, killer production and marvellous songs: that's what "Now Is The Hour" is all about !